lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

What is Race?

Race is a biological myth created to classify the society. According to the video Power of Illusion, race is that idea that was put into our heads, but with no explication. It is think that race has to do with the skin color, because that is what make us more different. But on the video it is shown that is it possible that between an black and white share more similar traits than a white with white person. Race could also be cultural.

Trying to find another explication about race we can talk about culture. It is more likely than race is complex traditions and caracteristic that a group share. With the film it is shown that it is not biological but mental. By saying this I think is an excuse to separate the different group that coexist together in society. Race for me means classification. 

MLA Citations:
Adelman, L. Race- The Power of An Illusion. California Newsreel.
April, 2003. Online. March 17,                           2014.

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