After the meeting the legislator was stunned about what just happened, she described what happened by saying "Se dedicó todo el día a impedir que pudiera hablar, pero esta acción han demostrado que tienen miedo a que se conozca la verdadera magnitud de la represión en Venezuela, pero al impedir que se escuche una voz distinta a la del régimen, están confesando lo que está ocurriendo en mi país" (Machado). The effect of not letting here speak had an effect of the opposition movements lead by the university students. One of the promoters of the protest in Venezuela decided to give his opinion about what occurred in the meeting he said "Vemos con preocupación lo que pasa en la OEA y llamamos a que se cumplan los principios democráticos de su fundación. Se está cercenando su integridad por la chequers venezolana" (Vargas) the student is concern about the effect that this made provoke to the future, the not knowing of the international community about what it is really happening in Venezuela. The legislator closed by saying that she had complete what she has looking for, showing the reality of what her country is facing to the international community.
Photo Credit: El Pais
MLA Citations:
Saiz, Eva. "El Consejo Permanente De La OEA Silencia a La Oposición Venezolana."EL PAÍS. El Pais, 22 Mar. 2014. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. <>.
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