domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Protesting Should Be Allowed

According to El Espectador, members of the opposing movement in Venezuela ask for Nicolas Maduro to cease the violent reaction made against the university protesting students, and for having more control of the police officers blamed after the dead of 20 protestants.

The president of the AD (Accion Democratica), Edgar Zambrano has referred that the government has the country in a period of time that nothing good seem to come after for a while. After the past weeks of protest and the different acts of violation of rights committed by the officers directed by the President Maduro. Zambrano agrees/defends the claims and protest that are made on the streets by Venezuelan society. According to Zambrano the protest have their origen in the failure of the public politics that affect all of the different social classes.

The coordinator of the "Primero Justicia", Julio Borges has talk about this same situation. He is in completion opposition against the violence that has been made by the armed groups led by the President Maduro. He has blamed the moment of violence in Venezuela, to the Frente Francisco Mirando an armed group that has the support of the officialism. He stated Primero Justicia respalda la protesta pacífica y deplora de manera contundente la fuerte represión que han ejercido los grupos armados a las manifestaciones pacíficas de los venezolanos, quienes protestan por los principales problemas que afectan al país y, sobre todo, a los jóvenes.”

Photo Credit:Diario El Mundo (Xinhua/Boris Vergara)

MLA Citations:
"Por El Respeto a La Protesta." ElEspectador. 'El Universal' De Caracas, 08 Mar. 2014. Web. 09 Mar. 2014. <>.

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