lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Machado an Angel or a Devil?

Last Friday on the OEA meetings Venezuela ambassador Roy Chaderton succeeded in not letting the Venezuelan legislator express the ideas of opposition against the government of Nicolas Maduro.   The ambassador Chaderton made the OEA eliminate from the agenda the first theme that was going to be discuss, the Venezuelan crisis in which the legislator Machado was planing to speak by using the place of Panama, and was also prohibit from speak in the last point of the agenda: other issues. The ambassador said "La diputada tiene otros foros en los que poder hablar, esta señora incumple muchos de los principios básicos que sustentan la OEA, está involucrada en muchos actos de violencia" (Chaderton) with this words he provoked that the legislator was banned from talking and taking part of the issues discussed in the meeting. 

After the meeting the legislator was stunned about what just happened, she described what happened by saying "Se dedicó todo el día a impedir que pudiera hablar, pero esta acción han demostrado que tienen miedo a que se conozca la verdadera magnitud de la represión en Venezuela, pero al impedir que se escuche una voz distinta a la del régimen, están confesando lo que está ocurriendo en mi país" (Machado). The effect of not letting here speak had an effect of the opposition movements lead by the university students. One of the promoters of the protest in Venezuela decided to give his opinion about what occurred in the meeting he said "Vemos con preocupación lo que pasa en la OEA y llamamos a que se cumplan los principios democráticos de su fundación. Se está cercenando su integridad por la chequers venezolana" (Vargas) the student is concern about the effect that this made provoke to the future, the not knowing of the international community about what it is really happening in Venezuela. The  legislator closed by saying that she had complete what she has looking for, showing the reality of what her country is facing to the international community. 
Photo Credit: El Pais

MLA Citations:
Saiz, Eva. "El Consejo Permanente De La OEA Silencia a La Oposición Venezolana."EL PAÍS. El Pais, 22 Mar. 2014. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. <>.

The Economic Hit Man (EHM)

The Economic Hit Man a title given to an officer than his main job consists in pretty much bringing "slavery" to a country. The word slavery sounds awful, but is a reality, the job is to convince the different countries to receive the help the U.S.A provides them in order for them to complete their interest, like saying building roads, building airports, etc... After the United States closes the deal the country must pay back as soon as possible what they have borrow from them, but it is known that this debt will not be pay soon. After the Economic Hit Man has prepare all of the U.S.A orders the plan starts, first the "helped" country pays the monthly fines they are suppose to pay, but after a certain time the country can't be able to pay, because the taxes are so high that they don't have the enough money to pay them. This is what the United States and the Economic Hit Mans have plan from the beginning and in order for the country to pay they must allow the U.S.A or to build military bases on their countries, or to have control of they votes on the U.N or have access to the resources, etc... some example of the hits of the (EHMs) in other countries are:

Economic Hit Man, strike on Colombia leaving Panama as a part of the U.S.A. According to the book confessions of an economic hit man, Colombia over the last years of the XIX use the help of the U.S.A government in order to built the Suez Canal. In the start of 1881a series of catastrophes occurred, leaving by the 1889 the project of the Canal on a financial crisis. Not everyone so the financial crisis like a crisis but an opportunity to win some more from it. "But it had inspired a dream in Theodore Roosevelt" (Perkins, 58). Dream that Perkins refers to was the one of taking Panama from Colombia in order to have control of the Canal. Roosevelt order Colombia to sign a treaty in order for them to have control of the Panama land from now on, but they refuse, by 1903 Roosevelt send Nashville warship, killing the local commander and declaring Panama free. As a consequence of this the wealthy families of America ruled the canal.

But not only the Economic Hit Man went to Panama but they also affected Guatemala. U.S.A company had pretty much control of the fruits of the territory, the United Fruit Company. The elections for president were made, leaving as the president Jacobo Arbenz, when he started ruling Guatemala his goals were to bringing the land back to the people. He implement laws and  policies that started doing this. The Company did not like this so the created a campaign in order to show the U.S.A that Arbenz was a communist. When the United States believe this they to control of the situation by taking him out of the power. When he was remove the new president reestablish everything the united fruit company maintained they're control.

Photo Credit: Tree Hunger 

MLA Citations 
Perkins, John. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. San Fransisco: BK, 2004. Doc.

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

The Ghost Plane

According to The Guardian the quest of finding the MH370 plane from the Malaysian Airlines has become even harder to solve. According to the article it was said last tuesday that the searching range has grown 2.24 miles square. This means that the range where the plane could probably be in has the size of Australia. The main purpose of the Malaysian government it is to reduce the research range in order for the quest to be easy. The transport minister has declared "This is an enormous search area. And it is something that Malaysia cannot possibly search on its own" (Hussein), by saying this he refers that the help of others countries is need to find the missing plane.

It is believe that the plane did not disappear by coincidence,  but it was planned. The ideas that support this theory are that the plane was not tracked by the military radar and that it was not sure who was flying the plane in the moment when it disappears. According to the article there are over 26 countries working together to solve this mystery, Australia, Kazakistan, Laos, Indonesia, China, etc... Australia and Indonesia, are in charge of monitoring the south part of the range that is consider that the plane could be. Kazakistan and China are in charge of the northern part of the range. Kazakistan and Laos have declared that they have not found any records of the MH370 going through their airspace. The 10 day quest seem to not be close to an end, it is consider that even though with the help of other countries it could take couple of weeks to get to the bottom of the case.

Photo Credit: Global Voice Online

MLA Citations:
Branigan, Tania. "MH370: 26 Countries Searching Area Larger than Australia, Officials Say." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 19 Mar. 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

What is Race?

Race is a biological myth created to classify the society. According to the video Power of Illusion, race is that idea that was put into our heads, but with no explication. It is think that race has to do with the skin color, because that is what make us more different. But on the video it is shown that is it possible that between an black and white share more similar traits than a white with white person. Race could also be cultural.

Trying to find another explication about race we can talk about culture. It is more likely than race is complex traditions and caracteristic that a group share. With the film it is shown that it is not biological but mental. By saying this I think is an excuse to separate the different group that coexist together in society. Race for me means classification. 

MLA Citations:
Adelman, L. Race- The Power of An Illusion. California Newsreel.
April, 2003. Online. March 17,                           2014.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Protesting Should Be Allowed

According to El Espectador, members of the opposing movement in Venezuela ask for Nicolas Maduro to cease the violent reaction made against the university protesting students, and for having more control of the police officers blamed after the dead of 20 protestants.

The president of the AD (Accion Democratica), Edgar Zambrano has referred that the government has the country in a period of time that nothing good seem to come after for a while. After the past weeks of protest and the different acts of violation of rights committed by the officers directed by the President Maduro. Zambrano agrees/defends the claims and protest that are made on the streets by Venezuelan society. According to Zambrano the protest have their origen in the failure of the public politics that affect all of the different social classes.

The coordinator of the "Primero Justicia", Julio Borges has talk about this same situation. He is in completion opposition against the violence that has been made by the armed groups led by the President Maduro. He has blamed the moment of violence in Venezuela, to the Frente Francisco Mirando an armed group that has the support of the officialism. He stated Primero Justicia respalda la protesta pacífica y deplora de manera contundente la fuerte represión que han ejercido los grupos armados a las manifestaciones pacíficas de los venezolanos, quienes protestan por los principales problemas que afectan al país y, sobre todo, a los jóvenes.”

Photo Credit:Diario El Mundo (Xinhua/Boris Vergara)

MLA Citations:
"Por El Respeto a La Protesta." ElEspectador. 'El Universal' De Caracas, 08 Mar. 2014. Web. 09 Mar. 2014. <>.

Defense Wall?

Photo Credit:

The Israeli-Palestian Barrier is a defensive wall. As it is for having the people secure, it is used for separating them too. A wall constructed by the Israeli state, almost 11 years ago. I found and interesting article ion the +972 magazine, called "The Wall, 10 years on: The great Israeli project." On the article it is describe the consequences and problems that have occurred along the creation of this structure. It is shown how society for both parts of the wall have changed, how the infrastructure of the cities and territories close to the wall have be modified as time has gone by. 

The link for the Article is :

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Interesting Link

I found this link interesting, it contains the most relevant news about what it is happening in Venezuela. It don't only contain information but interesting media, like videos and photos that make the news even better and more interesting to read.

Photo Credit: Noticia Al Dia

United States will sanction

De acuerdo con el secretario de estado estadounidense John Kerry, podrán ser impleamentadas sanciones  económicas y la fuerza militar contra rusa por su intervención en Ucrania. Se entendió esto debido una entrevista dada por el secretario para el programa de (This Week with George Stephanopoulos). Tambien mesiono que el presidente de los Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, esta pensado en todas las opciones para que sean usadas frente a este hecho. 

Tanto ha sido la preocupación por parte del gobierno americano que se ha pensado hasta en tener que citar una sesión de urgencia en el congreso de este mismo país. Frente ha este dilema el representante de Illinois, Adam Kinzinger, se pronuncio diciendo que sería adecuado que el congreso y el presidente trabajarán de manera conjunta para así poder enviar un fuerte mensaje a los rusos. El presidente Obama se reunió con el presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, para así hacerlo reconsiderar sobre la invasión planeada por el país ruso hacia Crimea, y convido al presidente de establecer pláticas con Ucrania.

Photo Credit: Daryl Cagle 

MLA Citations:

"StarMedia." StarMedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2014. <>.

Are peace talks working on Israel And Palestine

The Washington post, shows how the conflict is becoming as time goes by, harder and harder to manage. Israel had asserted that Palestinian Media leaders are creating a culture of hate. The talks led by the U.S seen almost impossible to be completed. Israeli government are tracking the new media sites that are in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, the government assures that after the Secretary of State, John F. Kerry relaunched the negotiations between the two groups, things has become worst. 

The Israeli goverment, declared that on the tv shows for Palestinian kids the Israeli people (Jews) are shown as some type of barbaric monkeys. There is also a quote made by Adolf Hitler on Facebook page of a Palestinian High school. Other example shown by the Israelians, a summer camp with Palestinian kids, proclaim that their extends from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, which means that Israel must be wipe out.

While the Israeli try to show that Palestinians are the ones that are slowing the peace talks in order to find a solution to the problem, they said that Israelians are the ones that do not want this peace agreements to success. Mahmoud Abbas suggest that Israeli soldiers have poisoned Palestinian prisoners and had undermined the third holiest land of Islam. As it seem the peace talks are not going anywhere, both sides argued that there are being attacked by the other, so they will not be part of any peace treaty.

                                                 Photo Credit: The Economist

MLA citations:
Booth, William. "Israel Says Palestinian ‘incitement’ Could Undermine Peace Talks." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 06 Jan. 2014. Web. 02 Mar. 2014. <>.