domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

My Manifesto

Since as long as I can remember, I have called Colegio Panamericano home.  After fourteen years on this campus, the day has finally come when my new life will begin. Being part of this institution was fundamental in the formation of the man I am today, a young adult who is full of passions, ambitions, dreams and goals. For the last 14 years in school, I have been a student who has experienced both highs and lows. With that said, I have always been a friendly classmate who will try my best in order to help my classmates. Yet I don’t think that the word “classmate” fits for those who I lived almost all my life; these people are more like my brothers and sisters. 
I have learned about the importance of planning and having goals for my future, and so I’ve through the past couple years learned to set goals for myself. During this last year of school, I have probably experienced the biggest transformation in my goals.  This year we read a book in English class called Life of Pi. From this book, one of the many phrases that resonates with me is  “It is true that those we meet can change us, sometimes so profoundly that we are not the same afterwards, even unto our names.” (Martel 20). This quote affects me because it made me understand that it is not only our own efforts who create our identities and path, but also the people that surround us.
During my lifetime there have been people that have influenced my path, but my mother has always been there to support me. She has seen me make my mistakes and enforced me to correct them in order to follow a path that will lead me to success.   
My mother has been the one who teaches me about values and principals. She taught me how to behave, act, and treat others, the values she had implied on me are: responsibility, discipline, honesty, respect, gratitude, love, friendship, forgiveness, happiness, and humility among others. As I age, I realize how important it is to have values; having values describe what type of person do you are. I even have to say that my auntie has some credit in forming my values; she has given a me a book, which teaches me how to behave with others, it is called La Urbanidad De Carreño.
As part of my journey towards success, I was fortunate enough to be elected high-school president.  When I first received the position, I though it would be easy but soon enough I realized that was not the case. I feel sorry for not giving my best into STUCO; I think now that I could of done a much better job. And I hope that if the next president reads this, he or she would do a much better job.  I also decided to write this because a quote I read in Brave New World which states “...most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution.” (Huxley). I hope that those in STUCO are the spark which will lead the school into an amazing uncharted territory.
My teachers for English and Social Studies gave the assignment of writing a manifesto, and writing this was not easy at all. I had to spend several hours and drafts perfecting it to the best of my abilities. I want future seniors at Panamericano to read it and use it as example to write theirs when time comes, so here it goes:
From now on I will enjoy, life, laugh, and love and cry more. I will promise myself to be more thankful with everything that I receive from my God every day. I will achieve my goals; enter in Med School at U.I.S University, get my diploma at Colegio Panamericano and make my family proud. I will contribute more in the society I live in, by been a helping hand for anyone that needs it. I will focus my career in making people happier and healthier.
As the new days come, I will pray for war to end, for the destruction of our planet to end, in order for my future kids ands grandchildren to enjoy the loveliness of our world. I will believe more in myself and let out the fear that stops me from achieving what I want. I enforce myself to teach others in order for them to not commit the same mistakes I did, for our community to grow stronger and more united. I will encourage others and myself to work together, to have a happier, peaceful and better world. Today is the day of a change, a change for the best.
This is my manifesto, my declaration for all of you. I am hoping to achieve all the things I just said, because as J.K. Rowling once said in her book Harry Potter and The Chamber of SecretsIt is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” I want to show how I truly am to others. I hope that you can make part of my humble revolution for next Panamericano generations, so that our school can become a better home for all of us.


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