domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

The Origins of Conflict (Venezuela)

In order to start talking about anytype of conflict, it must be first defined what is a conflict? The word conflict is defined as: A state of disharmony between incompatible or antithetical persons, ideas, or interests; a clash. Now reffering to the arguments and the revolts that are occuring in Venezuela between the opposing party lead by the Henrique Capriles and the President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro; it was all started after the death of the ex-president Hugo Chavez. After his death, elections in order to state a new mandatary of state had to be made. The two main candidates for this role: Capriles and Maduro differ a lot; Capriles wanting to change the type of goverment/ideas that ruled the country and Maduro wanting to continue with the ideals of Chavez.

After the elections were made there was a new president, Nicolas Maduro. The decision was made, it cause a great controversy in the country, it was a small difference of votes between both candidates, which made people believe that the elections could be manipulated by the candidate Maduro. It seem odd that Maduro, supported by a small part of the population won, while Capriles had most of the citizens of Venezuela in his favor. The elections were supposed to be analysed. It was a big frustration the Venezuelan community knowing that Maduro would govern their country, a man with no university studies, with no strong arguments in its speaches. 

The country enter in a complete caos, food, supplies and necessities were not supplied by the goverment. Over in the markets the shortage of food made people complains about the decisitions that were made by the mandatary. But it was until the university students went out to the streets in order to protest that the conflict became worst. The police department was send to control the protestant students in a violent way, they took their weapons and started shooting at the students causing deaths, harms, and arrests made to the students.

Students were protesting for their rights, and the security of these. These went out after knowing that in the first days of February after and intent of violation to an student of the " Universidad de Los Andes" located on the city of San Cristobal was made. The protest started on the house of the governor of Tachira, Jose Vielma Mora and then translating Medira, asking for the liberation of the students capture previously, and the insecurity students had to live with not only on campus but on the streets. 
The opposing side supports the students that are asking for the preservation of their rights. But with the opposing party taking part of the revolts, the president decided to censure the media that transmit anytype of imagines of the protests, he also ask for the capture of Leopoldo Lopez and Henrique Capriles members of this party. Maduro tries to explain or support his decisions by saying that, the opposing party if looking for a coup d'état. 

United Nations, International Amnesty and Human Rights Watch reject the acts of violence that Maduro's goverment are committing and demanded to his goverment the respect for life, and the investigations of the deaths that had been committed. While other governments like Rafael Correa's, on Ecuador, gave their support for Maduro.

The Places We Came From

Syria and the U.S 
Are the places I've been; 
Both have become a mess, 
U.S with their capitalism and Syria with Al-Assad regime. 

In the U.S 
People live a way that other desire;
Their people believes in parties and games,
While in Syrian their towns are on fire.

Now living on Syria
I fell afraid
So much that I just want to pray to la Virgen Maria
In order for someone to come to our aid

lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

My name is Andres Felipe Hernandez i am 18 years old, my friends use to call me ``dres´´, i have been at school for 13 years, my time here has been fun and happy since i remember i hope that these last years continue to be like that. I have a lot of hobbies which are listening to music, playing sports. My favorite sport is soccer which i like to play a lot with my friends, I play as defense or midfielder, other hobbies i have are traveling and playing PlayStation. Most of my free time i spend it at the TV either watching movies of playing fifa, i love watching movies, i don't name it as a hobbies cause is more as a part of my live. One of my dreams is to have my own theater at home in which i can see movies with my kids all Sunday at home cause for my Sunday are for staying at home doing nothing only watching movies, going to church, and ordering food. I also like to spend a lot of time with my friends. I think i introduced my self now , i hope you enjoy my blog thanks.